I was all excited to get the Bernina Record 730 ready to go, until I started working on it last night. The machine would work fantastic, until all of the sudded it would hit a patch in one of the cams and suddenly stop - not a good sign. I began to look at the various cams, suspecting the cam stack - and that was the culprit. The basic symptoms are:
Sudden stop at a specific interval (under motor power)
Able to hand turn the machine past, then the machine moves freely once again, only to exhibit the same behavior again.
If the 'hood' of the Record 730 or 8310 is lifted, you can often visually see the crack or split in the cam gear. I've ordered the cam gear from sewingstyle.com, most I could find were from europe rather than within the US, fair price. As I perform the cam gear repair I'll post the procedure to use as a reference.